torsdag den 26. juli 2012

Hallo Frederiksberg Have and hallo Twister

On my way home from a dinner with some good friends of mine, I called my boyfriend asking him if he would like to joint me for a walk in Frederiksberg Have. We almost managed to passed by the small kiosk but couldn't resist having my favorit lolly Mr. Twister.. Love it, Love it, Love it...! All other lollies on a stick do not have to be produced because this is the best! - In fact, I just saved you a lot of time and money = you no longer have to stand extra minutes deciding which ice cream you should go for while your are surrounded by annoying kids, neither you spend money purchasing the wrong one! :)

See you again soon beloved Mr. Twister

**I have to mention this to avoid any confusion: I will never buy a massed produced ice (thats also includes Twister) if I can buy homemade italian ice cream at the next store. I really would like to recommend my boyfriends homemade ice cream, but since I would hate the doorbell ringing all the time, so rather recommend you try to make your own at home. Start with sorbet its made easier than you could imagine :)**

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